Thursday, May 3, 2012

OMG Don't ever get me anything like this

So this blog got "Blog of Note" and this was recommended as a super cute (cheap ass) gift to give to a bride (someone you don't like) or give out as favors (please leave as soon as possible). Nothing says awesome like your face painted on an implement used to spank children/eat off of.

When I get married if I get something like this...I'll seriously make fun of it online, sell it on Etsy, take the money  and buy a mosquito zapping electric racket and hunt you down.

I might have even made a comment on said blog with nothing positive to say at all.

It's just one of those days. You know, where it feels better to point out the fact that people are eating poop sandwiches (buying these spoons) than to sit back in horror and watch them love every minute of it (leave comments like 'I love those...they are so cute!)

1 comment:

  1. For my wedding, I got used garage sale gifts (no kidding), so I probably would have liked these at the time if they were new...probably not, though.
